My grandpa passed away last year in the Autumn. He was a cheery old chap who was always polite and thankful. I used to call him my teddy bear. He always had chilly feet and wore wool socks. When he passed away we found out that there were quite a few elderly people in the nursing home where our grandpa spent his last months (and probably in many other places too!) that didn't have relatives or funds to buy e.g. wool socks. This gave me and my best friend an idea to knit as much socks as we could so that we could deliver a little Christmas surprise to that nursing home. We decided that we would have a nature theme and all the socks would be named. We also wanted to make socks that were personal and colorful :)

In total we came up with 8 pairs of wool socks and 3 wrist warmers. The socks were named as follows (starting from the front): Brook Trout, Raspberry, Forest Geranium, Strawberry, Cliff by the Sea, Rowan Berry, Crocus and Apple. The wrist warmers were named: Coniferous Forest, Cherry Blossom and Yellow Waterlily.
In Loving Memory of My Grandpa