Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I'm so excited! I received a package today containing three Fat Quarter (21" x 18") samples of fabric with my own design!!! The theme is "pomegranates" and here are few pics which I took outside so that I could use the sunlight to show the colors as they really are :)

Here's all the colors together..I really like them all! ^___^ They are going to give a juicy retro vibe to our dark brown sofa -> you guessed right PILLOW COVERS :D

Here's a close up of the "Red Pomegranates" my very first desing! Yay!

Here's the "Yellow Pomegranates" (note that the red one is still trying to steal the show from behind :P) 

And here's the "Green Pomegranates" which I think is kind of groovy!

I already have a black and white design on it's way ^___^ gonna make something nice for someone (not telling who since that person could be reading this! Sneaky me, thehehehee ^___^)

Feeling crafty?? Just go to SpoonFlower and start designing! It's soo  addictive and fun!

Gone totally "Pomegranates" LiLoPe


  1. Beautiful!<3<3<3 Ihanat;-)
    Check out my blog:

  2. Thank you Enya ^__^ aww Nappi is soo cute!
